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Pre-Recorded Training
Greenwood Baseball and Softball Camp with Play It Again Sports Liberty.
Coaches Clinic Sunday 2/23 - 2-6PM. Talented speaking panel. Vendor displays and giveaways all day. Come and go as your schedule p...
Great facilities, great games, fun for the kids with zero impact on the arms. It's all about the stix in Hit Trax! Hit Trax is for...
Registration Link: Registration Link:
New fall schedule is up. Check it out.
Help Wanted! Game Day Operations Manager for Greenwood 3&2
KC Royals Shortstop Bobby Witt Jr. wishing our league players a great season and encourages them to go make memories.
We're excited to host Big League Umpire Supervisor Mike Everitt this Sunday at SM North Auditorium at 6:30 PM.
We are very excited to be able to continue our holiday giving program.
Joel Dean Hitt Park
Greenwood 3&2 Baseball 18300 W. 87th Street Lenexa, Kansas 66220
Phone: 913-888-8055